Womenade Boston, Inc. Privacy Policy 

The purpose of the Privacy Policy is to assure Womenade Boston’s members and website users that we are committed to respecting and preserving their privacy.

 Information We Collect

Womenade Boston holds personal information in strict confidence and uses personal information provided by our members and website users only for its intended purpose. Womenade Boston members and other individuals who register for Womenade Boston e-mails and events voluntarily provide us with personal information such as name, physical address, telephone number and e-mail address, and sometimes additional information such as age and profession.  All information gathered by Womenade Boston is used only for specific, limited purposes. Members and other subscribers to our emails may always “opt out” at any time by unsubscribing if they do not wish to receive communications from us. 

 How Information May Be Used

Womenade Boston will use personal information to provide personalized service such as sending e- mails; answering requests; processing membership applications; contacting members regarding Womenade Boston events and opportunities and sometimes the events and opportunities of our grantees; and customizing the content on the Womenade Boston website and e-mail communications. Womenade Boston also uses IP addresses to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer our website, and for statistical metrics used to track website visitor traffic. This allows Womenade Boston to monitor which communication features are the most popular so we can better serve our users’ needs. It also lets us provide aggregate data about our traffic (not identifying individuals personally, but showing how many visitors used which features, for example).

 Womenade Boston does not provide, sell, or rent names, e-mail addresses or other contact information to anyone outside the organization.


Womenade Boston’s website may use “cookies” to remember certain user information to help provide better services. Cookies are electronic identifiers transferred automatically to a user’s computer through their browser that allow our computers to save certain information provided to Womenade Boston. Cookies also track a user’s usage of Womenade Boston’s website so we know which parts of the website are most popular. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. While many Web browsers automatically accept cookies, many give you the ability to accept cookies and you also have the option to decline cookies.

Use of Third Party Service Providers

Womenade Boston uses trusted third-party service providers to provide our services and operations and may disclose personal information to these service providers as needed for processing information on Womenade Boston’s behalf.

 Security of your Personal Information

Womenade Boston secures your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Womenade Boston secures the personally identifiable information you provide on computer servers in a controlled, secure environment, protected from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. When personal information (such as a credit card number) is transmitted to other Web sites, it is protected through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.

 Review of Policy

This Policy will be reviewed periodically by the Board of Directors or its designated committee, as warranted by internal or external events or changes.